
【Moodsic】Kodaline - Moving On 中文歌詞翻譯

I met you on the corner of the street  我在街頭的角落遇到你

I smiled before I even heard you speak 在聽到你開口說話前我就笑了

I can accept we’re growing older 我可以接受我們越來越老了

but I guess that's just the way it has to be 我想這是必須發生的事

I wondered how you still remembered me 我好奇你會用什麼方式記得我

I heard you settled down and that you married happily 我聽說你安定下來有幸福的婚姻

Do you remember when I told you that 你還記得我告訴過你

I'd love you to the bottom of the sea? 我愛你像海一樣深嗎 ?

Yeah I know I know it's over 對 我知道我知道都已經結束了

 but I guess that's just the way it has to be 但我想這就是會發生的

Sometime in the future maybe we can get together, 在將來某天或許我們可以重聚

maybe share a drink and talk awhile 可能一起小酌然後聊個天

And reminisce about the days when we were still together 追憶那些我們還在一起的日子

Maybe somewhere further down the line 或許在更久以後

And I will meet you there 我會在那裡見你

Sometime in the future we can share our stories 在將來某天我們可以分享我們的故事

When we won't care about 那時的我們都將不再在乎

all of our mistakes, our failures, and our glories 曾經的錯誤失敗和那些燦爛

But until that day comes along 但在那天到來之前

I'll keep on moving on. I’ll keep on moving on 我會繼續向前 我會繼續向前

It's funny how but it still bothers me 說來可笑但這些事情還是影響著我

I know it's been so long but I did not expect to see 我知道已經過了太久但我真的沒有想到會再次

oh how beautiful you are 喔你是多麼的美麗

I guess that all that time apart has done you well 我猜這些分開的日子對你是好的

But hey I wish you all the best 我還是希望你一切都好

and maybe someday we might even meet again 然後也許有天我們能夠再次相見


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